Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Fiddling fingers, again

It feels awkward..
To re-read your old post,
To revisit the younger you,
And to laugh at the way you foolishly used to think things back then..

It still feels awkward..
To get yourself to write again,
To fiddle your fingers on the keyboard again,
And finding the right words to really convey the thoughts and the feelings..

True, older posts are easier to hide, thanks to backspace,
And be better with next phrases.
But the older past will always stays,
And become the battlescars you embrace,
Wishing for the betterment that you yourself couldn't know what to promise.

The steps you take to be the better version of you,
The tolerance you give to get to learn the sign of the universe,
Sometimes you read the chapter out loud,
To get the support and strength you crave in order for you to move.
But most of the times, you just chant it to yourself,
And muster every ounce of strength you are left with.

And only He knows,
The countless nights you've wept yourself,
Looking at the glass, as half empty, or half full..

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